Cyber Safety Cop Articles

How to Talk to Your Child About Sexting

To most teens, “sexting” is a normal way to interact with their peers. Most parents have no idea how prevalent it is and how to talk to them about it. I will give you the real talking points to have a difficult but important discussion with your teenager.

The Dangers of Deepfakes

Deep fakes, a new technology, can make bullying and online abuse worse for kids. Here’s what parents need to know. In March of 2021, a Pennsylvania mother was arrested for

GroupMe App – Parent Review

What parents need to know about this popular messaging app. What is the GroupMe app? GroupMe is a messaging app that lets users send messages to others without message limits

Teens at Risk – Marijuana and Vaping

If young people are hearing that marijuana is fun and harmless because it’s natural, then they’re missing the facts. Marijuana contains over 400 different chemicals, is highly addictive and is

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