
Meerkat – What Every Parent Needs to Know

Meerkat is a live streaming application. Meerkat connects your phone camera to your Twitter feed; once you’ve installed the app, you type in a status and hit the “stream” button—and

Periscope – Twitter’s Answer to Meerkat

Last week, I reported about a new dangerous app that had emerged, called Meerkat. This week, Twitter released their own version, called Periscope. New name, same functionality, same problems. Periscope,

Confession Pages

Social media “confession” pages are all the rage. Students tell you that it is an opportunity to talk about important issues and problems in their lives. I often get tips

Quickly Evolving World of Social Media

The Quickly Evolving World of Social Media A smart phone or tablet is an amazing gift. The entertainment and educational opportunities are nearly endless, but it also opens up the world

10 Best Parental Control Apps

It’s frightening how easy it is for children to stumble upon inappropriate content, whether they’re using your phone for just a few minutes or their own device. While the latest

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