Cyber Safety Cop Articles

Be More Than a Bystander

Last week, I spoke to more than 1700 students at a local high school about cyberbullying and social media. How can we make a difference? Don’t be a bystander. Be

How much do you know about cyberbullying?

Here are four things many parents don’t know: Most parents of victims have no idea it’s happening. Cyberbullying happens in a sort of parallel communication universe, one that most parents

Mental Health Consequences to Bullying

New York City Health Department is taking a hard look at the consequences of bullying. What happens to kids who are bullied once the bullying stops? The new study shows

New Case of Bullycide Make Us Take Stock

Last month’s arrest of two Florida girls whose relentless cyberbullying drove twelve-year-old Rebecca Sedwick to suicide has, for many parents, refreshed anxiety.It also points to some glaring blind spots many

Stop, Block, & Tell

If you are a victim of online harassment:1) Stop – Stop what you are doing and don’t retaliate; 2) Block – Block the person who is harassing you or posting

Is Kik Messenger safe?

The answer: NO Kik is a free texting app available for iPhones, Android, Windows, and Blackberry phones. Remember, you don’t need a phone to use iPhone apps; if your child

Digital Reputation

What is a digital reputation? It is the opinion or view that others have about the user, based on what they say and do online.  It is important for children

Be More Than a Bystander

One of my main messages to students is this: Be more than a bystander. I love this video and I show it in my class.

Kids Are Sharing Too Much Online

As Rancho Santa Margarita Police Services’ Child Safety Deputy, I teach an Internet Safety class to the middle and high school students in Rancho Santa Margarita. I start all of

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