Cyber Safety Cop Articles

Digital Reputation Management

Teens share everything. How they feel about life, a new song, their science homework, pictures of themselves, where they’ll be hanging out with friends, and doing things they quite possibly

How Do I Talk to My Child About Sexting?

Sexting, or sending a nude image to another person, is happening more often than most parents expect. In a 2014 study, “Youth Sexting: Prevalence Rates, Driving Motivations, and the Deterrent Effect

Meerkat – What Every Parent Needs to Know

Meerkat is a live streaming application. Meerkat connects your phone camera to your Twitter feed; once you’ve installed the app, you type in a status and hit the “stream” button—and

Periscope – Twitter’s Answer to Meerkat

Last week, I reported about a new dangerous app that had emerged, called Meerkat. This week, Twitter released their own version, called Periscope. New name, same functionality, same problems. Peris…

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