N.Y. top court says cyberbullying law violates free speech

New York’s highest court said on Tuesday that a law designed to criminalize cyberbullying was so broad that it violated the First Amendment, marking the first time a U.S. court […]
Summertime Increases Chance of Cyberbullying

School is out. Parents everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief. All the drama of school life and bullying is over, at least until the fall, right? I am sorry […]
Children and Internet Porn

What is Porn? Porn is the abbreviation for pornography, which is sexual material that is explicitly portrayed for the primary purpose of sexual arousal. Sexually explicit material can be presented […]
Cambodia – Global Center for Child Sex Trafficking

Weak law enforcement, corruption, grinding poverty and the fractured social institutions left by the country’s turbulent recent history have helped earn Cambodia an unwelcome reputation for child traf… You’re almost […]
When Should I Get My Kid a Phone?

When I speak to groups of parents about cyber safety and social networks I always get asked: “When should I get my kid a phone?”Usually, the parent tells me their […]
What’s the upside?

I have been trying a new strategy when I’m taking to students about cyber safety. I’ve been asking, “What’s the upside?” What is the upside to allowing a total stranger […]
Can app tied to school shutdown be controlled?

FREE INTERNET SAFETY CLASS FOR PARENTS What: A cyber-safety class for parents. No one under 18 is allowed. When: March 31. Place: Rancho Santa Margarita Bell Tower. Time: 6 to… You’re almost there… […]
New California Bill to Tackle Cyberbullying

California has introduced a new bill to tackle cyber-bullying teenagers who share sexually explicit images of others. The legislation came after the suicide of Audrie Pott, a 15-year-old Saratoga Hig… […]
How to block adult websites or people in iOS 7

Block adult web content in iOS7 on iPods, iPads and iPhones As you may know Apple does offer some level of parental control for iPods, iPhones and iPads through Restriction […]
How to Set Parental Controls on Mac OS X

How to Set Parental Controls on Mac OS X It isn’t hard to look around and see the social and technological influence that Apple has had on our society. They’ve […]