Digital Reputation Management
Teens share everything. How they feel about life, a new song, their science homework, pictures of themselves, where they’ll be hanging out with friends, and doing things they quite possibly […]
Help Create Balance in Your Child’s Technological Life

“Aided by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens are going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constan… […]
How Do I Talk to My Child About Sexting?

Sexting, or sending a nude image to another person, is happening more often than most parents expect. In a 2014 study, “Youth Sexting: Prevalence Rates, Driving Motivations, and the Deterrent Effect […]
New Disturbing Social Media Trend – The Kylie Jenner Challenge
Body image is a serious issue with teens. Often this issue is ignored until a child is in crisis of either an eating disorder or self-harm due to their warped […]
Digital Self-harm – The Little Talked About Self-Cyberbullying
Last week, I posted a blog article about an Instagram threat, targeting a student in San Dimas. Today, it was revealed by ABC News, the victim had posted the threat […]
Instagram Threat Terrifies Parents in San Dimas School District

Last week, a student at Lone Hill Middle School in San Dimas received several threats from an Instagram account that stated “we plan to kill her.” Seven individuals claimed that […]
Human Trafficking, Child Sex Exploitation, and the Internet

Every day, children in your community are being targeted, snared, and manipulated into a world of sexual exploitation. They are groomed, enticed, and sometimes physically coerced into selling themselv… You’re […]
Porn is Destroying Your Child’s Mind and Their Future – Maybe Yours Too

The evidence is in: Pornography is bad for your mind, your relationships, and your future happiness. What is pornography good for? Slavery. Part of the lie porn producers want customers to […]
How to keep your kids safe while on the Mac with Parental Controls in OS X Yosemite
Keeping your kids safe while using the computer is paramount in many parents’ minds. Fortunately Apple gives you the resources you need to keep your Mac safe for little ones. […]
How Predators are Using Social Media to Exploit Your Child and What You Can do to Stop Them

In my Cyber Safety parent workshop, I ask parents where is the safest place for their child to be? After asking thousands of parents this question, I always hear the […]