BIGO Live (Rated 17+, Social Networking) BIGO Live is a prevalent global free live-streaming application on iOS and Android platforms. Users can watch events unfold in people’s lives, participate in […]


BeReal (Rated 12+, Social Networking) BeReal is an app that encourages users to share an unedited photo once per day in response to a push message. The user’s friends also […]


What parents need to know about this popular messaging app. GroupMe (Rated 4+, Chat, Social Networking) GroupMe is a messaging app that lets users send messages to others without message limits […]


What is Discord Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat app for teens and adults ages 13 and up. If your kid is a gamer, they will likely […]

Refund Policy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Refund Policy If you are not satisfied with the service for any reason, you can get a refund of any inactivated licenses within 14 days of making the purchase.   […]

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