So you want to get your kid a new iPad or iPhone for Christmas? (Part 1)

An iPhone or iPad is an amazing gift. The entertainment and educational opportunities are nearly endless, but it also opens up the world of social media and cyberbullying. This is […]
Study finds most kids are victims of cyberbullying and parents never knew.

A team of researchers from several universities including Cornell conducted surveys with parents and their children to find out about the children’s online behavior. They discovered that while nearly … […]
New Anti-Bullying law in California for 2014.

Starting January 2014, AB 256 will change the Educational Code and allow schools to discipline students for cyberbullying, even when it is done away from school. The existing law prohibits […]
Deputy’s role places him in teens’ corner to help

Deputy Clay Cranford is the Orange County Sheriff’s first Child Safety Deputy. At Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate School on Thursday he chatted with eighth graders Danielle Hansen and Stephanie By… […]