Why is Social Media So Important to Your Child and Why it Should be Important to You

It is often difficult for parents to truly understand how important social media, and the mobile devices they use to access the Internet, is to their children. There really isn’t a point […]
Confession Pages

Social media “confession” pages are all the rage. Students tell you that it is an opportunity to talk about important issues and problems in their lives. I often get tips […]
Quickly Evolving World of Social Media

The Quickly Evolving World of Social Media A smart phone or tablet is an amazing gift. The entertainment and educational opportunities are nearly endless, but it also opens up the world […]
Digital Citizenship (Social Media and Ethics) Must be Taught in Elementary Schools

First comes technology, then a host of unintended consequences follow, leaving us wondering how do we deal with these problems? The internet, social media, and mobile devices have thrust a […]
Trajectory of Social Media – Anonymous Apps

In my Cyber Safety class for parents I discuss the general problem with social media; 1) Children can communicate with people outside their parent’s knowledge, and 2) Anonymous apps allow […]
Phishing Confidential – My Personal Conversation with a Scammer

I had a very interesting conversation with a person who was trying to steal my money last week. I wanted to share it with you and give you some tools […]
How to Report Bullying and Abuse

Do you know how to report bullying or abuse on your social network app or website? Here is a comprehensive list of social network sites. Please email me with any […]
Teen sends a ‘sext’ and pays a terrible price

This is a story that is all to familiar with Juvenile Investigators. The following are excerpts from an article that was published on www.twincities.com. See the suggestions for parents and […]
Recent Arrests in Central California for Cyberbullying Prompt Action

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies are looking into another digital school-bullying incident, this time at Rio Norte Junior High School, according to officials. A student was sent a stra… […]
Bullying Surges in Middle School, Girls Most Often Victims

Researchers studying U.S schoolkids in grades 5 through 8 found that verbal and physical bullying declines as students get older. Although the amount of bullying decreased over time, the authors […]