Whisper App – Phenomenally popular app with teens and predators
Whisper app is a phenomenally popular app with teens. Whisper has a total of 17 billion monthly page views on its mobile and desktop websites with 250 million monthly users, […]
How to Stop Violence in our Schools Before it Happens
We are heartbroken. As a parent of two teenaged boys, my blood ran cold when I heard the news anchor break in to the television show I was watching: “Seventeen […]
Parental Controls on Chromebooks (Update)
On January 12th, 2018, Google discontinued the Chrome Supervised User functionality for new users. The Supervised User account allowed parents to monitor their child’s activity on Chromebooks. Google says current […]
How to Keep Your Kid from Getting Addicted to their Digital World
Two large Apple shareholders with a $2 billion stake have written an open letter to Apple. They are questioning the smartphone maker, saying it needs to respond to what’s seen […]
New School Year with New Dangerous Apps
We are several weeks into the school year and you may be thinking the dust has settled. Unfortunately, new apps are appearing on our students’ phones causing issues at school […]
Social Media is Hurting Our Children’s Mental Health
The internet and social media are an amazing technological advancement. We have the ability to know more about the world, and other points of view than ever before. Social media, […]
10-Year-Old Commits Suicide After Being Bullied: How to Prevent & Respond
A mother and father in Colorado say their 10-year-old daughter committed suicide over video of a fight with an alleged bully. Preventing a tragedy like this comes down to knowing […]
How to Talk to Your Child About Porn
The Internet has made hardcore pornography more accessible than ever before in human history. More people visit pornographic sites than Twitter, Netflix and Hulu combined. As the prevalence of pornography […]
Threats and Consequences for Students
Sean found himself in the Principal’s office again for being disruptive in class. Sean, as he was walking home with a suspension notice in his pocket, couldn’t think of anything […]
Parents ask: How do you regulate screen time?
I receive questions from parents from all over the United States asking how to keep their children safe online. When I get a good question that I think other parents […]