Digital Citizenship (4th-8th)
Empower your students to become responsible digital leaders with our comprehensive digital citizenship program.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to address the evolving challenges of the digital world while nurturing a positive digital community.
Empower your fourth through eighth-grade children with a comprehensive understanding of digital citizenship. Engaging in one-on-one lessons between parents and their child through a turn-key program not only fosters a strong parent-child bond but also equips the young learner with essential skills for responsible online behavior.
This proactive education strategy is particularly advantageous for homeschooled children, offering them the tools they need to navigate the virtual landscape with confidence, integrity, and resilience. In nurturing digital citizenship from an early age, parents empower their seventh-graders to make informed decisions, cultivate healthy online relationships, and contribute positively to the digital world they are an integral part of.
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- Monthly live webinars on hot topics decided by our members
- Free access to all 3 of our paid courses ($95 value)
In an increasingly interconnected world, it is imperative for schools to prioritize the education of their 4th through 8th grade students in digital citizenship.
Our thoughtfully crafted digital citizenship program provides a holistic and captivating curriculum tailored to the unique needs of this age group. Comprising 13 well-structured lessons, complete with student handouts, assessments, educational videos, and professional development resources, our program not only equips students with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly but also empowers them to emerge as confident and ethical digital leaders.
By imparting critical insights into online safety, respectful communication, and responsible digital behavior, our program ensures that students are well-prepared to thrive in both classroom settings and the broader digital realm.
To learn more about bringing Digital Citizenship to your school, request a quote today!
Community organizations and non-profits have a unique opportunity to positively impact the lives of 4th through 8th grade students by providing them with essential digital citizenship education.
Our meticulously crafted digital citizenship program, tailored to this age group, offers these organizations a powerful tool to equip young learners with the skills they need to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. With a comprehensive 13-lesson curriculum enriched by student handouts, assessments, educational videos, and professional development resources, our program empowers students to become adept and ethical digital leaders, not only within the classroom but also in their broader communities.
By fostering a deep understanding of online safety, respectful communication, and responsible digital conduct, community organizations and non-profits can help shape the future by ensuring that the youth they serve emerge as confident, informed, and conscientious participants in the digital age.
To learn more about bringing digital citizenship to your organization, request a quote today!
Empower your fourth through eighth-grade children with a comprehensive understanding of digital citizenship. Engaging in one-on-one lessons between parents and their child through a turn-key program not only fosters a strong parent-child bond but also equips the young learner with essential skills for responsible online behavior.
This proactive education strategy is particularly advantageous for homeschooled children, offering them the tools they need to navigate the virtual landscape with confidence, integrity, and resilience. In nurturing digital citizenship from an early age, parents empower their seventh-graders to make informed decisions, cultivate healthy online relationships, and contribute positively to the digital world they are an integral part of.
Buy the course & Get access to our free Membership
When you buy any course, you get access to our free membership, which includes:
- Exclusive articles
- Free resources like app reviews & parental control guides
- Access to our parent support community on Facebook
- Timely & relevant advice sent to your inbox weekly

Get the course for free when you sign up for our Premium membership!
Get The COurse For Free When You Sign Up For Our Level 2 Membership!
Join our Premium membership and get the course for free.
Premium membership includes everything in FREE access, PLUS:
- Monthly live webinars on hot topics decided by our members
- Free access to all 3 of our paid courses ($95 value)
In an increasingly interconnected world, it is imperative for schools to prioritize the education of their 4th through 8th grade students in digital citizenship.
Our thoughtfully crafted digital citizenship program provides a holistic and captivating curriculum tailored to the unique needs of this age group. Comprising 13 well-structured lessons, complete with student handouts, assessments, educational videos, and professional development resources, our program not only equips students with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly but also empowers them to emerge as confident and ethical digital leaders.
By imparting critical insights into online safety, respectful communication, and responsible digital behavior, our program ensures that students are well-prepared to thrive in both classroom settings and the broader digital realm.
To learn more about bringing Digital Citizenship to your school, request a quote today!
Community organizations and non-profits have a unique opportunity to positively impact the lives of 4th through 8th grade students by providing them with essential digital citizenship education.
Our meticulously crafted digital citizenship program, tailored to this age group, offers these organizations a powerful tool to equip young learners with the skills they need to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. With a comprehensive 13-lesson curriculum enriched by student handouts, assessments, educational videos, and professional development resources, our program empowers students to become adept and ethical digital leaders, not only within the classroom but also in their broader communities.
By fostering a deep understanding of online safety, respectful communication, and responsible digital conduct, community organizations and non-profits can help shape the future by ensuring that the youth they serve emerge as confident, informed, and conscientious participants in the digital age.
To learn more about bringing digital citizenship to your organization, request a quote today!
Our program was created by a nationally recognized expert in online safety for children, Clayton Cranford, The Cyber Safety CopTM. It is easy to implement, turn-key, and 100% online.

- Course Description
Our tailored program equips young learners with essential skills to navigate the digital world responsibly.
With a comprehensive 13-lesson curriculum, including resources like handouts, assessments, videos, and development tools, our program nurtures confident digital leaders in classrooms and communities.
Fostering an understanding of online safety, respectful communication, and responsible conduct, organizations shape a future where youth are informed and conscientious digital citizens.
- Learning Objectives
In today’s interconnected world, digital citizenship is fundamental to being a responsible and ethical internet user. Our program focuses on teaching students about:
Digital Footprint and Reputation Management
1. Your Digital Footprint
Your student(s) will discover what a Digital Footprint is and why it’s essential. Children live and make choices in the “now.” They do not consider the long-term effects of choices made on the Internet.
2. Consequences of Your Digital Footprint
Your student(s) will meet Charlotte, a typical teenager who likes to share her work on social media. Charlotte’s online activity will help students understand the positive and negative impact of digital footprints and their online reputation.
Cyberbullying Prevention
3. What’s Cyberbullying
Your student(s) will learn what constitutes bullying and how cyberbullying is different from physical bullying.
4. How to Respond to Cyberbullying
Your student(s) will learn how to successfully respond to mean, rude, or threatening online behavior.
Online Security
5. Strong Passwords
Your student(s) will learn the importance of strong passwords and be introduced to common security issues caused by poor password management.
6. Phishing and Scams
Your student(s) will learn about the most common online and email scams used to trick people into revealing their personal information, which leads to identity theft. Children and the elderly statistically comprise the largest population group victimized by online fraud.
Privacy and Safe Online Relationships
7. Your Privacy Setting
Your student(s) will discover how social media networking sites like Instagram work, how privacy settings work, and some of the safety issues that come with a private or public account.
8. Safe Sharing
Your student(s) will learn that sharing personal information with someone online can be as dangerous as sharing it face-to-face.
9. The House Rule
Your student(s) will be presented with a concept that will help them safeguard their online information from strangers.
10. See Something, Say Something
Your student(s) will know what to do if they see a text or social media post that contains images or words indicating that someone wants to hurt themselves or others. The concept of “see something, say something” must be a cultural norm for everyone, especially students.
Screen Time Balance
11. Rate Your Screen Time
Your student(s) will take a 15-question, yes-or-no survey adapted from Dr. David Greenfield’s The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, “Smartphone Compulsion Test.” This will give important insight into your student’s digital habits.
12. Effects of Screen Time
Your student(s) will learn about the effects of excessive screen time on a person’s body and mind.
13. Your Healthy Digital Diet
Your student(s) will be presented with healthy options to help balance screen time in their lives.
- Why Take This Course?
1. Fully Online and Flexible:
Our program is designed to be entirely online, allowing schools to facilitate it either in the classroom or remotely. With flexible scheduling options, it can be easily integrated into existing curricula.
2. Age-Appropriate Curriculum:
We understand the unique developmental stages of 4th—to 8th-grade students. Our curriculum is tailored to effectively engage and resonate with each age group.
3. Interactive Lessons:
Our program uses interactive content, educational videos, and group activities to make learning enjoyable and memorable.
4. Comprehensive Supporting Materials:
In addition to the 13 engaging lessons, we provide student handouts, assessments, and supplementary resources to enhance the learning experience.
5. Professional Development Resources:
We offer training and resources for educators to ensure they are well-equipped to facilitate the program effectively.
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